Four Benefits Of Becoming A Yoga Instructor

Posted on: 30 October 2017

If you love yoga, you may be considering taking instructor training classes, such as those offered through the 200 YTT Program, in pursuit of becoming a yoga instructor. Others may try to dissuade you from this career path as it's not the most conventional of endeavors and can be physically rigorous. But indeed, there are many great benefits of becoming a yoga instructor. Here's a look.

You get to do something you love.

Growing up, most people are advised to find something they love and do it for a living. But as you grow up, reality sets in, and you realize that most people don't enjoy their jobs--and some even hate their jobs. As a yoga teacher, you get to pursue something that you are really passionate about each day of your life. How many people get to say they really are passionate about their careers? 

You'll be helping others.

There's something incredibly satisfying about being able to help others reach their goals. As a yoga teacher, that's what you will be doing day in and day out. You may help one person reach their goal of losing weight and another person reach their goal of feeling more grounded in life. Along the way, you will get to know so many wonderful people, and you'll get to follow them as they become better versions of themselves.You will feel needed and inspired, which will make your career a very satisfying one.

You'll remain active.

Sadly, many career pursuits these days involve sitting in front of a computer screen for hours on end. It's hard to stay active in such a job, and the lack of activity can have a huge impact on your health. You won't struggle with inactivity as a yoga instructor! You'll move around plenty during your work, so you don't have to take time out to get extra exercise when you're off the clock. Your body will thank you with better health later in life.

You'll have flexible hours.

Working as a yoga teacher tends to be a pretty flexible career. Whether you ultimately remain self-employed or you work for a studio, you'll have at least some control over when your classes are scheduled. This flexibility is wonderful if you have children to care for, or even if you just want the time in your day to pursue other interests or see your partner. Not having to be at a desk from 9 to 5 each day makes your life so much more free.
